19 de mar. de 2014


Eu conto as sardas. Uma, duas três.
E conto os anos. Um, dois.
Faço as contas de quantas sardas vão surgir
Nesse meio tempo sem você.
Eu conto pra ter paciência. Até uns 20.
E conto pra ter coragem. Até uns 10.
Faço as contas de como vou melhorar
Sozinha em ser eu mesma
Eu conto pra ninguém
E conto de trás pra frente
O tempo sem você
E de frente pra trás
O quanto que me faz falta
Você contando pra mim
Uma, duas, três histórias

Um comentário:

  1. Loud and sharp is the noise of the cellphone next to the bed
    Without opening an eye snooze mode is activated
    For a short moment its unclear where he is
    After a short moment of panic a memory of the night before comes up
    There where candles, a movie, some wine
    Then slowly falling asleep with the reassuring noise of breathing
    Quickly, half asleep with weird dreams
    Feet are moving together, 4 feet in a sleeping dance
    A short annoyance with some hairs in the nose
    After 10 minutes the loud noise of reality again
    After quickly opening an eye to a sight with a slightly chubby Korean teenager breathing heavily
    After the horrible noise is turned of again the dream slowly fades in again
    What happened to this girl?
    Did she turn in to a Korean guy with the habbit of sleeping on top of blankets?
    How did this happen? What there an even witch? Does she need a prince?
    While quickly peeking trough an eye to confirm the presence of the Korean he saw it
    A small white blinking light coming from a tablet
    She says good morning
    So far but yet so close
